1 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       M. Loffredo   
    2 Request for Comments: 9536                                 M. Martinelli   
    3 Category: Standards Track                            IIT-CNR/Registro.it   
    4 ISSN: 2070-1721                                               April 2024   
    7         Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Reverse Search            
    9 Abstract                                                                   
   11    The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) does not include query     
   12    capabilities for finding the list of domains related to a set of        
   13    entities matching a given search pattern.  Considering that an RDAP     
   14    entity can be associated with any defined object class and other        
   15    relationships between RDAP object classes exist, a reverse search can   
   16    be applied to other use cases besides the classic domain-entity         
   17    scenario.  This document describes an RDAP extension that allows        
   18    servers to provide a reverse search feature based on the relationship   
   19    defined in RDAP between an object class for search and any related      
   20    object class.  The reverse search based on the domain-entity            
   21    relationship is treated as a particular case.                           
   23 Status of This Memo                                                        
   25    This is an Internet Standards Track document.                           
   27    This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force       
   28    (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has     
   29    received public review and has been approved for publication by the     
   30    Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on     
   31    Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.               
   33    Information about the current status of this document, any errata,      
   34    and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at                    
   35    https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9536.                                
   37 Copyright Notice                                                           
   39    Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the         
   40    document authors.  All rights reserved.                                 
   42    This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal           
   43    Provisions Relating to IETF Documents                                   
   44    (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of        
   45    publication of this document.  Please review these documents            
   46    carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect   
   47    to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must    
   48    include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the     
   49    Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described   
   50    in the Revised BSD License.                                             
   52 Table of Contents                                                          
   54    1.  Introduction                                                        
   55      1.1.  Background                                                      
   56      1.2.  Conventions Used in This Document                               
   57    2.  Reverse Search Path Segment Specification                           
   58    3.  Reverse Search Definition                                           
   59    4.  Reverse Search Properties Discovery                                 
   60    5.  Reverse Search Properties Mapping                                   
   61    6.  Reverse Search Response Specification                               
   62    7.  Reverse Search Query Processing                                     
   63    8.  Reverse Searches Based on Entity Details                            
   64    9.  RDAP Conformance                                                    
   65    10. Implementation Considerations                                       
   66    11. IANA Considerations                                                 
   67      11.1.  RDAP Extensions Registry                                       
   68      11.2.  RDAP Reverse Search Registries                                 
   69        11.2.1.  Creation of the RDAP Reverse Search Registries             
   70        11.2.2.  Submit Requests to IANA                                    
   71        11.2.3.  RDAP Reverse Search Registry                               
   72  Template                                               
   73  Initial Content                                        
   74        11.2.4.  RDAP Reverse Search Mapping Registry                       
   75  Template                                               
   76  Initial Content                                        
   77    12. Privacy Considerations                                              
   78    13. Security Considerations                                             
   79    14. References                                                          
   80      14.1.  Normative References                                           
   81      14.2.  Informative References                                         
   82    Appendix A.  Paradigms to Enforce Access Control on Reverse Search      
   83            in RDAP                                                         
   84    Acknowledgements                                                        
   85    Authors' Addresses                                                      
   87 1.  Introduction                                                           
   89    The protocol described in this specification aims to extend the RDAP    
   90    query capabilities and response to enable reverse search based on the   
   91    relationships defined in RDAP between an object class for search and    
   92    a related object class.  The reverse search based on the domain-        
   93    entity relationship is treated as a particular case of such a generic   
   94    model.                                                                  
   96    RDAP providers willing to implement this specification should           
   97    carefully consider its implications on the efficiency (see              
   98    Section 10), the security (see Section 13), and the compliance with     
   99    privacy regulations (see Section 12) of their RDAP service.             
  101 1.1.  Background                                                           
  103    Reverse WHOIS is a service provided by many web applications that       
  104    allows users to find domain names owned by an individual or a company   
  105    starting from the owner's details, such as name and email.  Even if     
  106    it has been considered useful for some legal purposes (e.g.,            
  107    uncovering trademark infringements and detecting cybercrimes), its      
  108    availability as a standardized WHOIS [RFC3912] capability has been      
  109    objected to for two main reasons, which now don't seem to conflict      
  110    with an RDAP implementation.                                            
  112    The first objection concerns the potential risks of privacy             
  113    violation.  However, the domain name community is considering a new     
  114    generation of Registration Directory Services [ICANN-RDS] [ICANN-RA]    
  115    that provide access to sensitive data under some permissible purposes   
  116    and in accordance with appropriate policies for requestor               
  117    accreditation, authentication, and authorization.  RDAP's reliance on   
  118    HTTP means that it can make use of common HTTP-based approaches to      
  119    authentication and authorization, making it more useful than WHOIS in   
  120    the context of such directory services.  Since RDAP consequently        
  121    permits a reverse search implementation complying with privacy          
  122    protection principles, this first objection is not well-founded.        
  124    The second objection to the implementation of a reverse search          
  125    capability has been connected with its impact on server processing.     
  126    However, the core RDAP specifications already define search queries,    
  127    with similar processing requirements, so the basis of this objection    
  128    is not clear.                                                           
  130    Reverse searches, such as finding the list of domain names associated   
  131    with contacts or nameservers, may be useful to registrars as well.      
  132    Usually, registries adopt out-of-band solutions to provide results to   
  133    registrars asking for reverse searches on their domains.  Possible      
  134    reasons for such requests are:                                          
  136    *  the loss of synchronization between the registrar database and the   
  137       registry database and                                                
  139    *  the need for such data to perform bulk Extensible Provisioning       
  140       Protocol (EPP) [RFC5730] updates (e.g., changing the contacts of a   
  141       set of domains, etc.).                                               
  143    Currently, RDAP does not provide any means for a client to search for   
  144    the collection of domains associated with an entity [RFC9082].  A       
  145    query (lookup or search) on domains can return the array of entities    
  146    related to a domain with different roles (registrant, registrar,        
  147    administrative, technical, reseller, etc.), but the reverse operation   
  148    is not allowed.  Only reverse searches to find the collection of        
  149    domains related to a nameserver (ldhName or ip) can be requested.       
  150    Since an entity can be in relationship with any RDAP object             
  151    [RFC9083], the availability of a reverse search as largely intended     
  152    can be common to all the object classes allowed for search.  Through    
  153    a further step of generalization, the meaning of reverse search in      
  154    the RDAP context can be extended to include any query for retrieving    
  155    all the objects that relates to another query matching a given search   
  156    pattern.                                                                
  158 1.2.  Conventions Used in This Document                                    
  160    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",     
  162    "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in       
  163    BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all      
  164    capitals, as shown here.                                                
  166 2.  Reverse Search Path Segment Specification                              
  168    A generic reverse search path is described by the syntax:               
  170    {searchable-resource-type}/reverse_search/{related-resource-            
  171    type}?<search-condition>                                                
  173    The path segments are defined as follows:                               
  175    "searchable-resource-type":  It MUST be one of the resource types for   
  176       search defined in Section 3.2 of [RFC9082] (i.e., "domains",         
  177       "nameservers", and "entities") or a resource type extension.         
  179    "related-resource-type":  It MUST be one of the resource types for      
  180       lookup defined in Section 3.1 of [RFC9082] (i.e., "domain",          
  181       "nameserver", "entity", "ip", and "autnum") or a resource type       
  182       extension.                                                           
  184    "search-condition":  A sequence of "property=search pattern"            
  185       predicates separated by the ampersand character ('&', US-ASCII       
  186       value 0x0026).                                                       
  188    While related-resource-type is defined as having one of a number of     
  189    different values, the only reverse searches defined in this document    
  190    are for a related-resource-type of "entity".  Reverse searches for      
  191    the other resource types specified in [RFC9082] and resource type       
  192    extensions may be defined by future documents.                          
  194 3.  Reverse Search Definition                                              
  196    Based on the content of Section 2, defining a reverse search means to   
  197    define the triple <searchable resource type, related resource type,     
  198    property> and the mapping with the corresponding RDAP object member.    
  199    The mapping is done through the use of a JSONPath expression            
  200    [RFC9535].  Reverse searches are registered in the "RDAP Reverse        
  201    Search" registry (see Section 11.2.3), whereas reverse search           
  202    mappings are registered in the "RDAP Reverse Search Mapping" registry   
  203    (see Section 11.2.4).  The reason for having two registries is that     
  204    it may be possible for a single type of reverse search to rely on       
  205    different members, depending on the server's configuration (see         
  206    Section 5).                                                             
  208    All of the reverse searches defined by this document (see Section 8)    
  209    have property names that are the same as the name of the RDAP object    
  210    member that is the subject of the search.  For example, the reverse     
  211    search with the property name "fn" relies on the value of the "fn"      
  212    member inside the jCard of an entity object.  However, it is not        
  213    necessary that these two names be the same.  In particular, remapping   
  214    of searches as part of the deprecation of an existing member (see       
  215    Section 5) will typically lead to a member with a different name        
  216    being used for the search.                                              
  218    Servers MUST NOT provide or implement reverse searches or reverse       
  219    search mappings that are not registered with IANA.                      
  221 4.  Reverse Search Properties Discovery                                    
  223    Servers complying with this specification MUST extend the help          
  224    response [RFC9083] with the "reverse_search_properties" member that     
  225    contains an array of objects with the following mandatory child         
  226    members:                                                                
  228    "searchableResourceType":  the searchable resource type of the          
  229       reverse search query, as defined in Section 2                        
  231    "relatedResourceType":  the related resource type of the reverse        
  232       search query, as defined in Section 2                                
  234    "property":  the reverse search property used in the predicate of the   
  235       reverse search query, as defined in Section 2                        
  237    An example of the help response including the                           
  238    "reverse_search_properties" member is shown in Figure 2                 
  240 5.  Reverse Search Properties Mapping                                      
  242    To permit clients to determine the member used by the server for a      
  243    reverse search, servers MUST detail the mapping that is occurring by    
  244    adding the "reverse_search_properties_mapping" member to the topmost    
  245    object of a reverse search response.  This data structure is included   
  246    in the search response, rather than in the help response, because it    
  247    may differ depending on the query that is sent to the server.           
  249    Documents that deprecate or restructure RDAP responses such that a      
  250    registered reverse search is no longer able to be used MUST either      
  251    note that the relevant reverse search is no longer available (in the    
  252    case of deprecation) or describe how to continue supporting the         
  253    relevant search by adding another mapping for the reverse search        
  254    property (in the case of restructuring).                                
  256    The "reverse_search_properties_mapping" member contains an array of     
  257    objects with the following mandatory child members:                     
  259    "property":  the reverse search property used in the predicate of the   
  260       current query, as defined in Section 2                               
  262    "propertyPath":  the JSONPath expression of the object member (or       
  263       members) corresponding to the reverse search property                
  265    The searchable and the related resource types are derived from the      
  266    query, so there is no need to include them in addition to the           
  267    property in this member.                                                
  269    This member MUST be included for all properties used in the search,     
  270    regardless of whether that property has multiple registered mappings    
  271    as at the time of the search, because new mappings may be registered    
  272    at any time.                                                            
  274    When applied to an object, the JSONPath expression MUST produce a       
  275    list of values, each of which is a JSON number or string.               
  277    An example of a reverse search response including the                   
  278    "reverse_search_properties_mapping" member is shown in Figure 3.        
  280 6.  Reverse Search Response Specification                                  
  282    Reverse search responses use the formats defined in Section 8 of        
  283    [RFC9083], which correspond to the searchable resource types defined    
  284    in Section 2.                                                           
  286 7.  Reverse Search Query Processing                                        
  288    To process a reverse search, the server returns the objects from its    
  289    data store that are of type searchable-resource-type and that match     
  290    each of the predicates from the search conditions.  To determine        
  291    whether an object matches a predicate, the server:                      
  293    *  applies the mapping it uses for the reverse search property to the   
  294       object in order to generate a list of values, each of which MUST     
  295       be a JSON number or string and                                       
  297    *  checks whether the search pattern matches one or more of those       
  298       values.                                                              
  300    A search pattern matches a value where it equals the string             
  301    representation of the value or where it is a match for the value in     
  302    accordance with the partial string matching behavior defined in         
  303    Section 4.1 of [RFC9082].                                               
  305    Objects are only included in the search results if they satisfy all     
  306    included predicates.  This includes predicates that are for the same    
  307    property; in such a case, it is necessary for the related object to     
  308    match against each of those predicates.                                 
  310    Servers MUST return an HTTP 501 (Not Implemented) [RFC9110] response    
  311    to inform clients of unsupported reverse searches.                      
  313    Based on their policy, servers MAY restrict how predicates are used     
  314    to make a valid search condition by returning a 400 (Bad Request)       
  315    response when a problematic request is received.                        
  317    A given reverse search or reverse search mapping MAY define             
  318    additional or alternative search behavior past that set out in this     
  319    section.                                                                
  321 8.  Reverse Searches Based on Entity Details                               
  323    Since an entity can be associated with any other object class in        
  324    RDAP, the most common kind of reverse search is one based on an         
  325    entity's details.  Such reverse searches arise from the query model     
  326    by setting the related resource type to "entity".                       
  328    By selecting a specific searchable resource type, the resulting         
  329    reverse search aims at retrieving all the objects (e.g., all the        
  330    domains) that are related to any entity object matching the search      
  331    conditions.                                                             
  333    This section defines the reverse search properties servers SHOULD       
  334    support for the domain, nameserver, entity-searchable resource types,   
  335    and entity-related resource type:                                       
  337    Reverse search property:  role                                          
  338    RDAP member path:  $.entities[*].roles                                  
  339    Reference:  Section 10.2.4 of [RFC9083]                                 
  341    Reverse search property:  handle                                        
  342    RDAP member path:  $.entities[*].handle                                 
  343    Reference:  Section 5.1 of [RFC9083]                                    
  345    Reverse search property:  fn                                            
  346    RDAP member path:  $.entities[*].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='fn')][3]        
  347    Reference:  Section 6.2.1 of [RFC6350]                                  
  349    Reverse search property:  email                                         
  350    RDAP member path:  $.entities[*].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')][3]     
  351    Reference:  Section 6.4.2 of [RFC6350]                                  
  353    The presence of a predicate on the reverse search property "role"       
  354    means that the RDAP response property "roles" MUST contain at least     
  355    the specified role.                                                     
  357    The last two properties are related to jCard elements [RFC7095], but    
  358    the field references are to vCard [RFC6350], since jCard is the JSON    
  359    format for vCard.                                                       
  361    Examples of reverse search paths based on the domain-entity             
  362    relationship are presented in Figure 1.                                 
  364     /domains/reverse_search/entity?handle=CID-40*&role=technical           
  366     /domains/reverse_search/entity?fn=Bobby*&role=registrant               
  368     /domains/reverse_search/entity?handle=RegistrarX&role=registrar        
  370                 Figure 1: Examples of Reverse Search Queries               
  372    An example of the help response including the supported reverse         
  373    search properties is shown in Figure 2.                                 
  375       {                                                                    
  376         "rdapConformance": [                                               
  377           "rdap_level_0",                                                  
  378           "reverse_search"                                                 
  379         ],                                                                 
  380         ...                                                                
  381         "reverse_search_properties": [                                     
  382           {                                                                
  383             "searchableResourceType": "domains",                           
  384             "relatedResourceType": "entity",                               
  385             "property": "fn"                                               
  386           },                                                               
  387           {                                                                
  388             "searchableResourceType": "domains",                           
  389             "relatedResourceType": "entity",                               
  390             "property": "handle"                                           
  391           },                                                               
  392           {                                                                
  393             "searchableResourceType": "domains",                           
  394             "relatedResourceType": "entity",                               
  395             "property": "email"                                            
  396           },                                                               
  397           {                                                                
  398             "searchableResourceType": "domains",                           
  399             "relatedResourceType": "entity",                               
  400             "property": "role"                                             
  401           }                                                                
  402         ],                                                                 
  403         ...                                                                
  404       }                                                                    
  406           Figure 2: An Example of the Help Response including the          
  407                      "reverse_search_properties" Member                    
  409    An example of a response including the mapping that is occurring for    
  410    the first reverse search in Figure 1 is shown below.                    
  412       {                                                                    
  413         "rdapConformance": [                                               
  414           "rdap_level_0",                                                  
  415           "reverse_search"                                                 
  416         ],                                                                 
  417         ...                                                                
  418         "reverse_search_properties_mapping": [                             
  419           {                                                                
  420             "property": "handle",                                          
  421             "propertyPath": "$.entities[*].handle"                         
  422           },                                                               
  423           {                                                                
  424             "property": "role",                                            
  425             "propertyPath": "$.entities[*].roles"                          
  426           }                                                                
  427         ],                                                                 
  428         ...                                                                
  429       }                                                                    
  431            Figure 3: An Example of an RDAP Response including the          
  432                  "reverse_search_properties_mapping" Member                
  434 9.  RDAP Conformance                                                       
  436    Servers complying with this specification MUST include the value        
  437    "reverse_search" in the rdapConformance property of the help response   
  438    [RFC9083] and any other response including the                          
  439    "reverse_search_properties_mapping" member.  The information needed     
  440    to register this value in the "RDAP Extensions" registry is described   
  441    in Section 11.1.                                                        
  443 10.  Implementation Considerations                                         
  445    To limit the impact of processing the search predicates, servers are    
  446    RECOMMENDED to make use of techniques to speed up the data retrieval    
  447    in their underlying data store, such as indexes or similar.  In         
  448    addition, risks with respect to performance degradation or result set   
  449    generation can be mitigated by adopting practices used for standard     
  450    searches, e.g., restricting the search functionality, limiting the      
  451    rate of search requests according to the user's authorization,          
  452    truncating and paging the results [RFC8977], and returning partial      
  453    responses [RFC8982].                                                    
  455 11.  IANA Considerations                                                   
  457 11.1.  RDAP Extensions Registry                                            
  459    IANA has registered the following value in the "RDAP Extensions"        
  460    registry:                                                               
  462    Extension Identifier:  reverse_search                                   
  464    Registry Operator:  Any                                                 
  466    Specification:  RFC 9536                                                
  468    Contact:  IETF <iesg@ietf.org>                                          
  470    Intended Usage:  This extension identifier is used for both URI path    
  471       segments and response extensions related to the reverse search in    
  472       RDAP.                                                                
  474 11.2.  RDAP Reverse Search Registries                                      
  476 11.2.1.  Creation of the RDAP Reverse Search Registries                    
  478    IANA has created the "RDAP Reverse Search" and "RDAP Reverse Search     
  479    Mapping" registries within the "Registration Data Access Protocol       
  480    (RDAP)" category in the protocol registries.                            
  482    These registries follow the Specification Required registration         
  483    policy, as defined in Section 4.6 of [RFC8126].                         
  485    The designated expert should prevent collisions and confirm that        
  486    suitable documentation, as described in Section 4.5 of [RFC8126], is    
  487    available to ensure interoperability.                                   
  489    Creators of either new RDAP reverse searches or new mappings for        
  490    registered reverse searches SHOULD NOT replicate functionality          
  491    already available by way of other documents referenced in these         
  492    registries.  Creators MAY register additional reverse search mappings   
  493    for existing properties, but they SHOULD NOT map a registered reverse   
  494    search property to a response field with a meaning other than that of   
  495    the response fields referenced by the mappings already registered for   
  496    that property.  In other words, all the mappings for a reverse search   
  497    property MUST point to response fields with the same meaning.           
  499 11.2.2.  Submit Requests to IANA                                           
  501    Registration requests can be sent to <iana@iana.org>.                   
  503 11.2.3.  RDAP Reverse Search Registry                                      
  505  Template                                                        
  507    Property:  The name of the reverse search property.                     
  509    Description:  A brief human-readable text describing the reverse        
  510       search property.                                                     
  512    Searchable Resource Type:  The searchable resource type of the          
  513       reverse search query (Section 2) including the reverse search        
  514       property.  Multiple reverse search properties differing only by      
  515       this field can be grouped together by listing all the searchable     
  516       resource types separated by comma (see Section            
  518    Related Resource Type:  The related resource type of the reverse        
  519       search query (Section 2) including the reverse search property.      
  521    Registrant:  The name of the person registering the reverse search      
  522       property.                                                            
  524    Contact Information:  An email address, postal address, or some other   
  525       information to be used to contact the registrant.                    
  527    Reference:  Document (e.g., the RFC number) and section reference       
  528       where the reverse search property is specified.                      
  530    The combination of Searchable Resource Type, Related Resource Type,     
  531    and Property MUST be unique across the registry entries.                
  533  Initial Content                                                 
  535    IANA has registered the following entries in the "RDAP Reverse          
  536    Search" registry.  For all entries, the common values are shown in      
  537    Table 1, whereas the specific values are shown in Table 2.              
  539        +==========================+================================+       
  540        | Registry Property        | Value                          |       
  541        +==========================+================================+       
  542        | Searchable Resource Type | domains, nameservers, entities |       
  543        +--------------------------+--------------------------------+       
  544        | Related Resource Type    | entity                         |       
  545        +--------------------------+--------------------------------+       
  546        | Registrant               | IETF                           |       
  547        +--------------------------+--------------------------------+       
  548        | Contact Information      | iesg@ietf.org                  |       
  549        +--------------------------+--------------------------------+       
  550        | Reference                | RFC 9536                       |       
  551        +--------------------------+--------------------------------+       
  553              Table 1: Common Values for All Entries in the RDAP            
  554                           Reverse Search Registry                          
  556         +==========+==============================================+        
  557         | Property | Description                                  |        
  558         +==========+==============================================+        
  559         | fn       | The server supports the domain/nameserver/   |        
  560         |          | entity search based on the full name (a.k.a. |        
  561         |          | formatted name) of an associated entity      |        
  562         +----------+----------------------------------------------+        
  563         | handle   | The server supports the domain/nameserver/   |        
  564         |          | entity search based on the handle of an      |        
  565         |          | associated entity                            |        
  566         +----------+----------------------------------------------+        
  567         | email    | The server supports the domain/nameserver/   |        
  568         |          | entity search based on the email address of  |        
  569         |          | an associated entity                         |        
  570         +----------+----------------------------------------------+        
  571         | role     | The server supports the domain/nameserver/   |        
  572         |          | entity search based on the role of an        |        
  573         |          | associated entity                            |        
  574         +----------+----------------------------------------------+        
  576               Table 2: Specific Values for Entries in the RDAP             
  577                           Reverse Search Registry                          
  579 11.2.4.  RDAP Reverse Search Mapping Registry                              
  581  Template                                                        
  583    Property:  The same as defined in the "RDAP Reverse Search" registry.   
  585    Property Path:  The JSONPath of the RDAP property this reverse search   
  586       property maps to.                                                    
  588    Searchable Resource Type:  The same as defined in the "RDAP Reverse     
  589       Search" registry.                                                    
  591    Related Resource Type:  The same as defined in the "RDAP Reverse        
  592       Search" registry.                                                    
  594    Registrant:  The name of the person registering this reverse search     
  595       property mapping.                                                    
  597    Contact Information:  The same as defined in the "RDAP Reverse          
  598       Search" registry.                                                    
  600    Reference:  Document (e.g., the RFC number) and section reference       
  601       where this reverse search property mapping is specified.             
  603    The combination of Searchable Resource Type, Related Resource Type,     
  604    Property, and Property Path MUST be unique across the registry          
  605    entries.                                                                
  607  Initial Content                                                 
  609    IANA has registered the following entries in the "RDAP Reverse Search   
  610    Mapping" registry.  For all entries, the common values are the same     
  611    as defined in the "RDAP Reverse Search" registry (see Table 1),         
  612    whereas the specific values are shown below (see Table 3).              
  614       +==========+==================================================+      
  615       | Property | Property Path                                    |      
  616       +==========+==================================================+      
  617       | fn       | $.entities[*].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='fn')][3]    |      
  618       +----------+--------------------------------------------------+      
  619       | handle   | $.entities[*].handle                             |      
  620       +----------+--------------------------------------------------+      
  621       | email    | $.entities[*].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')][3] |      
  622       +----------+--------------------------------------------------+      
  623       | role     | $.entities[*].roles                              |      
  624       +----------+--------------------------------------------------+      
  626           Table 3: Specific Values for Entries in the RDAP Reverse         
  627                           Search Mapping Registry                          
  629 12.  Privacy Considerations                                                
  631    The search functionality defined in this document may affect the        
  632    privacy of entities in the registry (and elsewhere) in various ways;    
  633    see [RFC6973] for a general treatment of privacy in protocol            
  634    specifications.  Registry operators should be aware of the trade-offs   
  635    that result from implementing this functionality.                       
  637    Many jurisdictions have laws or regulations that restrict the use of    
  638    "personal data", per the definition in [RFC6973].  Given that,          
  639    registry operators should ascertain whether the regulatory              
  640    environment in which they operate permits implementation of the         
  641    functionality defined in this document.                                 
  643    In those cases where this functionality makes use of sensitive          
  644    information, the information MUST only be accessible to authorized      
  645    users under a lawful basis.                                             
  647    Since reverse search requests and responses could contain Personally    
  648    Identifiable Information (PII), reverse search functionality MUST be    
  649    available over HTTPS only.                                              
  651    Providing reverse search in RDAP carries the following threats as       
  652    described in [RFC6973]:                                                 
  654    *  Correlation                                                          
  656    *  Disclosure                                                           
  658    *  Misuse of data                                                       
  660    Therefore, RDAP providers need to mitigate the risk of those threats    
  661    by implementing appropriate measures supported by security services     
  662    (see Section 13).                                                       
  664 13.  Security Considerations                                               
  666    Security services that are required to provide controlled access to     
  667    the operations specified in this document are described in [RFC7481].   
  668    A non-exhaustive list of access control paradigms an RDAP provider      
  669    can implement is presented in Appendix A.                               
  671    As an additional measure to enforce security by preventing reverse      
  672    searches to be accessed from unauthorized users, the RDAP providers     
  673    may consider physically separating the reverse search endpoints from    
  674    the other ones by configuring a proxy routing the reverse searches to   
  675    a dedicated backend server and leveraging further security services     
  676    offered by other protocol layers, such as digital certificates and IP   
  677    allow-listing.                                                          
  679    Finally, the specification of the relationship within the reverse       
  680    search path allows the RDAP servers to implement different              
  681    authorization policies on a per-relationship basis.                     
  683 14.  References                                                            
  685 14.1.  Normative References                                                
  687    [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate          
  688               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,                       
  689               DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,                            
  690               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.                   
  692    [RFC6350]  Perreault, S., "vCard Format Specification", RFC 6350,       
  693               DOI 10.17487/RFC6350, August 2011,                           
  694               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6350>.                   
  696    [RFC7095]  Kewisch, P., "jCard: The JSON Format for vCard", RFC 7095,   
  697               DOI 10.17487/RFC7095, January 2014,                          
  698               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7095>.                   
  700    [RFC7481]  Hollenbeck, S. and N. Kong, "Security Services for the       
  701               Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)", STD 95,           
  702               RFC 7481, DOI 10.17487/RFC7481, March 2015,                  
  703               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7481>.                   
  705    [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for        
  706               Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,     
  707               RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,                   
  708               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8126>.                   
  710    [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC       
  711               2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,     
  712               May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.         
  714    [RFC9082]  Hollenbeck, S. and A. Newton, "Registration Data Access      
  715               Protocol (RDAP) Query Format", STD 95, RFC 9082,             
  716               DOI 10.17487/RFC9082, June 2021,                             
  717               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9082>.                   
  719    [RFC9083]  Hollenbeck, S. and A. Newton, "JSON Responses for the        
  720               Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)", STD 95,           
  721               RFC 9083, DOI 10.17487/RFC9083, June 2021,                   
  722               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9083>.                   
  724    [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,      
  725               Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,                     
  726               DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,                             
  727               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9110>.                   
  729    [RFC9535]  Gössner, S., Ed., Normington, G., Ed., and C. Bormann,       
  730               Ed., "JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON", RFC 9535,       
  731               DOI 10.17487/RFC9535, February 2024,                         
  732               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9535>.                   
  734 14.2.  Informative References                                              
  736    [ICANN-RA] ICANN, "Base Registry Agreement", January 2024,              
  737               <https://www.icann.org/en/registry-agreements/base-          
  738               agreement>.                                                  
  740    [ICANN-RDS]                                                             
  741               ICANN, "Final Report from the Expert Working Group on gTLD   
  742               Directory Services: A Next-Generation Registration           
  743               Directory Service (RDS)", June 2014,                         
  744               <https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/final-report-   
  745               06jun14-en.pdf>.                                             
  747    [OIDCC]    Sakimura, N., Bradley, J., Jones, M., de Medeiros, B., and   
  748               C. Mortimore, "OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating         
  749               errata set 2", December 2023,                                
  750               <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html>.      
  752    [RFC3912]  Daigle, L., "WHOIS Protocol Specification", RFC 3912,        
  753               DOI 10.17487/RFC3912, September 2004,                        
  754               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc3912>.                   
  756    [RFC5730]  Hollenbeck, S., "Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)",    
  757               STD 69, RFC 5730, DOI 10.17487/RFC5730, August 2009,         
  758               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc5730>.                   
  760    [RFC6973]  Cooper, A., Tschofenig, H., Aboba, B., Peterson, J.,         
  761               Morris, J., Hansen, M., and R. Smith, "Privacy               
  762               Considerations for Internet Protocols", RFC 6973,            
  763               DOI 10.17487/RFC6973, July 2013,                             
  764               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6973>.                   
  766    [RFC8977]  Loffredo, M., Martinelli, M., and S. Hollenbeck,             
  767               "Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Parameters   
  768               for Result Sorting and Paging", RFC 8977,                    
  769               DOI 10.17487/RFC8977, January 2021,                          
  770               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8977>.                   
  772    [RFC8982]  Loffredo, M. and M. Martinelli, "Registration Data Access    
  773               Protocol (RDAP) Partial Response", RFC 8982,                 
  774               DOI 10.17487/RFC8982, February 2021,                         
  775               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8982>.                   
  777 Appendix A.  Paradigms to Enforce Access Control on Reverse Search in      
  778              RDAP                                                          
  780    Access control can be implemented according to different paradigms      
  781    introducing increasingly stringent rules.  The paradigms listed below   
  782    leverage the capabilities that are either built in or provided as       
  783    extensions by the OpenID Connect [OIDCC]:                               
  785    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):  Access rights are granted            
  786       depending on roles.  Generally, this is done by grouping users       
  787       into fixed categories and assigning static grants to each            
  788       category.  A more dynamic approach can be implemented by using the   
  789       OpenID Connect "scope" claim.                                        
  791    Purpose-Based Access Control (PBAC):  Access rules are based on the     
  792       notion of purpose, being the intended use of some data by a user.    
  793       It can be implemented by tagging a request with the usage purpose    
  794       and making the RDAP server check the compliance between the given    
  795       purpose and the control rules applied to the data to be returned.    
  797    Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC):  Rules to manage access rights   
  798       are evaluated and applied according to specific attributes           
  799       describing the context within which data are requested.  It can be   
  800       implemented within an out-of-band process by setting additional      
  801       OpenID Connect claims that describe the request context and make     
  802       the RDAP server check for compliance between the given context and   
  803       the control rules that are applied to the data to be returned.       
  805    Time-Based Access Control (TBAC):  Data access is allowed for a         
  806       limited time only.  It can be implemented by assigning users         
  807       temporary credentials linked to access grants with limited scopes.   
  809    With regard to the privacy threats reported in Section 12,              
  810    correlation and disclosure can be mitigated by minimizing both the      
  811    request features and the response data based on user roles (i.e.,       
  812    RBAC).  Misuse can be mitigated by checking for the purpose of the      
  813    request (i.e., PBAC).  It can be accomplished according to the          
  814    following approaches:                                                   
  816    Full Trust:  The registry trusts the fairness of an accredited user.    
  817       The requestor is always legitimized to submit their requests under   
  818       a lawful basis.  Additionally, they can be required to specify the   
  819       purpose as either a claim of their account or a query parameter.     
  820       In the former case, the purpose is assumed to be the same for        
  821       every request.  In the latter case, the purpose must be one of       
  822       those associated to the user.                                        
  824    Zero Trust:  The registry requires documents that assess whether the    
  825       requestor is legitimized to submit a given request.  It can be       
  826       implemented by assigning the requestor a temporary OpenID account    
  827       linked to the given request (i.e., TBAC) and describing the          
  828       request through a set of claims (i.e., ABAC).  The association       
  829       between the temporary account and the claims about the request is    
  830       made by an out-of-band application.  In so doing, the RDAP server    
  831       is able to check that the incoming request is consistent with the    
  832       request claims linked to the temporary account.                      
  834    The two approaches can be used together:                                
  836    *  The former is suitable for users carrying out a task in the public   
  837       interest or exercising their official authority (e.g., an officer    
  838       of a cybercrime agency).  Similarly, registrars can submit reverse   
  839       searches on their domains and contacts based on their contractual    
  840       relationship with the domain holders.  In this case, the query       
  841       results can be restricted to those pertaining to a registrar by      
  842       adding an implicit predicate to the search condition.                
  844    *  The latter can be taken to allow domain name dispute resolution      
  845       service providers to request information in defense of the           
  846       legitimate interests of complainants.                                
  848 Acknowledgements                                                           
  850    The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals for     
  851    their contributions to this document: Francesco Donini, Scott           
  852    Hollenbeck, Francisco Arias, Gustavo Lozano, Eduardo Alvarez, Ulrich    
  853    Wisser, James Gould, and Pawel Kowalik.                                 
  855    Tom Harrison and Jasdip Singh provided relevant feedback and constant   
  856    support to the implementation of this proposal.  Their contributions    
  857    have been greatly appreciated.                                          
  859 Authors' Addresses                                                         
  861    Mario Loffredo                                                          
  862    IIT-CNR/Registro.it                                                     
  863    Via Moruzzi,1                                                           
  864    56124 Pisa                                                              
  865    Italy                                                                   
  866    Email: mario.loffredo@iit.cnr.it                                        
  867    URI:   http://www.iit.cnr.it                                            
  870    Maurizio Martinelli                                                     
  871    IIT-CNR/Registro.it                                                     
  872    Via Moruzzi,1                                                           
  873    56124 Pisa                                                              
  874    Italy                                                                   
  875    Email: maurizio.martinelli@iit.cnr.it                                   
  876    URI:   http://www.iit.cnr.it                                            

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