1 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                          J. Gould   
    2 Request for Comments: 9537                                      D. Smith   
    3 Category: Standards Track                                 VeriSign, Inc.   
    4 ISSN: 2070-1721                                                J. Kolker   
    5                                                                R. Carney   
    6                                                             GoDaddy Inc.   
    7                                                               March 2024   
   10 Redacted Fields in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Response   
   12 Abstract                                                                   
   14    This document describes a Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)      
   15    extension for specifying methods of redaction of RDAP responses and     
   16    explicitly identifying redacted RDAP response fields, using JSONPath    
   17    as the default expression language.                                     
   19 Status of This Memo                                                        
   21    This is an Internet Standards Track document.                           
   23    This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force       
   24    (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has     
   25    received public review and has been approved for publication by the     
   26    Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on     
   27    Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.               
   29    Information about the current status of this document, any errata,      
   30    and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at                    
   31    https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9537.                                
   33 Copyright Notice                                                           
   35    Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the         
   36    document authors.  All rights reserved.                                 
   38    This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal           
   39    Provisions Relating to IETF Documents                                   
   40    (https://trustee.ietf.org/license-info) in effect on the date of        
   41    publication of this document.  Please review these documents            
   42    carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect   
   43    to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must    
   44    include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the     
   45    Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described   
   46    in the Revised BSD License.                                             
   48 Table of Contents                                                          
   50    1.  Introduction                                                        
   51    2.  Conventions Used in This Document                                   
   52    3.  Redaction Methods                                                   
   53      3.1.  Redaction by Removal Method                                     
   54      3.2.  Redaction by Empty Value Method                                 
   55      3.3.  Redaction by Partial Value Method                               
   56      3.4.  Redaction by Replacement Value Method                           
   57    4.  Redacted RDAP Response                                              
   58      4.1.  RDAP Conformance                                                
   59      4.2.  "redacted" Member                                               
   60    5.  JSONPath Considerations                                             
   61      5.1.  JSONPath Client Considerations                                  
   62      5.2.  JSONPath Server Considerations                                  
   63    6.  IANA Considerations                                                 
   64      6.1.  RDAP Extensions Registry                                        
   65      6.2.  RDAP JSON Values Registry                                       
   66    7.  Security Considerations                                             
   67    8.  References                                                          
   68      8.1.  Normative References                                            
   69      8.2.  Informative References                                          
   70    Acknowledgements                                                        
   71    Authors' Addresses                                                      
   73 1.  Introduction                                                           
   75    This document describes an RDAP extension for specifying methods of     
   76    redaction of RDAP responses and explicitly identifying redacted RDAP    
   77    response fields, using JSONPath as the default expression language.     
   78    A redacted RDAP field is one that has data removed or replaced in the   
   79    RDAP response due to server policy, such as the lack of client          
   80    privilege to receive the field.  This extension can be used to          
   81    identify redacted RDAP fields in any RDAP object class, as defined in   
   82    [RFC9083], or RDAP fields defined in RDAP extensions.  Because an       
   83    RDAP response may exclude a field due to either the lack of data or     
   84    the lack of RDAP client privileges, this extension is used to           
   85    explicitly specify which RDAP fields are not included in the RDAP       
   86    response due to redaction.  It thereby provides a capability for        
   87    disambiguation between redaction and other possible reasons for data    
   88    or field absence.                                                       
   90    In [RFC9082], RDAP supports both lookup and search queries, where a     
   91    lookup query responds with a single object and a search query           
   92    responds with a list of objects.  This document applies to redaction    
   93    of a single object of a lookup response and in each of the objects of   
   94    a search response.                                                      
   96    JSONPath, as defined in [RFC9535], is used as the default expression    
   97    language to reference RDAP fields that have been redacted.  The         
   98    redacted JSON fields will be removed, have empty values, have partial   
   99    values, or be replaced in the RDAP response.  JSON is defined by        
  100    [RFC8259].                                                              
  102 2.  Conventions Used in This Document                                      
  104    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",     
  106    "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in       
  107    BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all      
  108    capitals, as shown here.                                                
  110    The JSON examples include extra line breaks and empty space.  For       
  111    instance, the JSONPath expressions are broken out into multiple lines   
  112    when required for illustration.                                         
  114    The JSONPath expressions in the examples are for illustration           
  115    purposes with single-role entities, and the exact expressions to be     
  116    used by the server are out of scope.                                    
  118 3.  Redaction Methods                                                      
  120    Redaction in RDAP can be handled in multiple ways.  The resulting       
  121    redacted RDAP response MUST comply with the format defined in the       
  122    RDAP RFCs, such as [RFC9083] and updates.  The use of placeholder       
  123    text for the values of the RDAP fields, such as "XXXX", MUST NOT be     
  124    used for redaction, since the placeholder text value may not match      
  125    the format requirements of each of the RDAP fields, which could         
  126    provide an inconsistent and unreliable redaction signal.  This          
  127    section covers the redaction methods that can be used with the          
  128    redaction signaling defined in Section 4.2.                             
  130    RDAP responses, as defined in [RFC9083], include a mix of JSON          
  131    objects and JSON arrays, where JSON arrays are heavily used for         
  132    entity objects with jCard [RFC7095].  jCard is a JSON representation    
  133    of vCard [RFC6350] that inherits its dependency on arrays.  An          
  134    example is the vCard "ADR" property [RFC6350], or the jCard "adr"       
  135    property [RFC7095], which defines a sequence of address components.     
  136    According to [RFC6350], when an "ADR" property component value is       
  137    missing, the associated component separator MUST still be specified.    
  138    jCard extends the use of arrays with each individual vCard property     
  139    being represented by an array of three fixed elements, followed by      
  140    one or more additional elements.  The mix of JSON objects and JSON      
  141    arrays impacts the methods used for redaction in RDAP.                  
  143    The redaction of RDAP fields fall into the four categories defined in   
  144    the following subsections.                                              
  146 3.1.  Redaction by Removal Method                                          
  148    The Redaction by Removal Method is when the RDAP field is removed       
  149    from the RDAP response, which is the default method.  The Redaction     
  150    by Removal Method can be done for all RDAP response fields except for   
  151    response fields using the position in an array to signal the redacted   
  152    field (e.g., the JSON arrays used with jCard).  RDAP extensions, such   
  153    as the one described in "Using JSContact in Registration Data Access    
  154    Protocol (RDAP) JSON Responses" [RDAP-JSCONTACT], do not have a         
  155    dependency on the use of positional JSON arrays and are therefore       
  156    suited for the Redaction by Removal Method.                             
  158    When an RDAP object is redacted by removal, all of the RDAP object's    
  159    child fields are also removed.  Only the redacted RDAP object needs     
  160    to be referenced in the list of redacted fields, as defined in          
  161    Section 4.2.                                                            
  163    An example of redacting an RDAP object is removing the administrative   
  164    contact from the RDAP response and including the following "redacted"   
  165    member:                                                                 
  167    "redacted": [                                                           
  168      {                                                                     
  169        "name": {                                                           
  170          "description": "Administrative Contact"                           
  171        },                                                                  
  172        "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='administrative')]",           
  173        "method": "removal"                                                 
  174      }                                                                     
  175    ]                                                                       
  177                  Figure 1: Redacted Administrative Contact                 
  179    The Redaction by Removal Method MUST NOT be used to remove an element   
  180    of an array where the position of the element in the array determines   
  181    semantic meaning.  For example, removal of an individual data field     
  182    in jCard will result in a non-conformant jCard array definition.        
  184 3.2.  Redaction by Empty Value Method                                      
  186    The Redaction by Empty Value Method is when a redacted field is not     
  187    removed but its value is set to an empty value, such as "" for a        
  188    jCard text ("text") property or null for a non-text property.  The      
  189    empty jCard values ("" or null) are referenced in the "redacted"        
  190    member in place of the jCard property name in an array, such as         
  191    referencing the "fn" jCard property value at position 3 instead of      
  192    referencing the "fn" jCard property name at position 0.  The            
  193    Redaction by Empty Value Method MUST be used only when redacting JSON   
  194    response fields that use the position in an array to signal the         
  195    redacted field (e.g., jCard arrays).  Optional jCard properties MUST    
  196    use the Redaction by Removal Method (Section 3.1) to redact the         
  197    entire property.  The required jCard "fn" property, defined in          
  198    Section 6.2.1 of vCard [RFC6350], MUST use the Redaction by Empty       
  199    Value Method to redact the property value.  Removing the "fn"           
  200    property would violate vCard [RFC6350], and removing the property       
  201    value would violate the fixed array positions defined in jCard.         
  203    [                                                                       
  204      "fn",                                                                 
  205      {},                                                                   
  206      "text",                                                               
  207      ""                                                                    
  208    ]                                                                       
  210        Figure 2: Redacted "fn" jCard Property Using the Redaction by       
  211                              Empty Value Method                            
  213    An example of the "redacted" member for the redacted "fn" jCard         
  214    property value, which is array position 3:                              
  216    "redacted": [                                                           
  217      {                                                                     
  218        "name": {                                                           
  219          "description": "Registrant Name"                                  
  220        },                                                                  
  221        "postPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].               
  222          vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='fn')][3]",                                 
  223        "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                             
  224        "method": "emptyValue",                                             
  225        "reason": {                                                         
  226          "description": "Server policy"                                    
  227        }                                                                   
  228      }                                                                     
  229    ]                                                                       
  231          Figure 3: Redacted Registrant Name Using an Array Position        
  233 3.3.  Redaction by Partial Value Method                                    
  235    The Redaction by Partial Value Method is when a redacted field is not   
  236    removed but its value has a portion of the data removed, such as for    
  237    the "label" or "fn" jCard properties.  The partial values are           
  238    referenced in the "redacted" member in place of the property name in    
  239    an array, such as referencing the "fn" jCard property value at          
  240    position 3 instead of referencing the "fn" jCard property name at       
  241    position 0.  The Redaction by Partial Value Method SHOULD be used       
  242    only when redacting JSON response fields that use a formatted value,    
  243    where a portion of the value is removed.                                
  245    An example of the "label" jCard property in Section of          
  246    [RFC7095] that redacts "123 Maple Ave\nSuite 901\n":                    
  248    ["adr",                                                                 
  249      {                                                                     
  250        "type":"home",                                                      
  251        "label":"Vancouver\nBC\n1239\n"                                     
  252      },                                                                    
  253      "text",                                                               
  254      [                                                                     
  255        "", "", "", "", "", "", ""                                          
  256      ]                                                                     
  257    ]                                                                       
  259                  Figure 4: Redacted "label" jCard Property                 
  261    An example of the "redacted" member for the redacted "label" jCard      
  262    property value, based on Section of [RFC7095]:                  
  264    "redacted": [                                                           
  265      {                                                                     
  266        "name": {                                                           
  267          "description": "Home Address Label"                               
  268        },                                                                  
  269        "postPath": "$.vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='adr')][1].label",             
  270        "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                             
  271        "method": "partialValue",                                           
  272        "reason": {                                                         
  273          "description": "Server policy"                                    
  274        }                                                                   
  275      }                                                                     
  276    ]                                                                       
  278     Figure 5: Redacted Label Using the Redaction by Partial Value Method   
  280 3.4.  Redaction by Replacement Value Method                                
  282    The Redaction by Replacement Value Method is when a redacted field is   
  283    not removed but its value is replaced with a different value, such as   
  284    protecting the "email" jCard property value with an anonymized email    
  285    "text" value or the use of an alternative "uri" value to a web form.    
  286    Replacing a property value is a form of redaction, since it protects    
  287    the true property value for privacy reasons.                            
  289    [                                                                       
  290      "email",                                                              
  291      {},                                                                   
  292      "text",                                                               
  293      "anonymized123@example.com"                                           
  294    ]                                                                       
  296       Figure 6: Redacted "email" jCard Property Using the Redaction by     
  297              Replacement Value Method with an Anonymized Email             
  299    "redacted": [                                                           
  300      {                                                                     
  301        "name": {                                                           
  302          "description": "Registrant Email"                                 
  303        },                                                                  
  304        "postPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].               
  305                   vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')][3]",                     
  306        "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                             
  307        "method": "replacementValue",                                       
  308      }                                                                     
  309    ]                                                                       
  311          Figure 7: Redacted Email Using a Replacement Value with an        
  312                           Anonymized "text" Value                          
  314    [                                                                       
  315      "contact-uri",                                                        
  316      {},                                                                   
  317      "uri",                                                                
  318      "https://email.example.com/123"                                       
  319    ]                                                                       
  321       Figure 8: Redacted "email" jCard Property Using the Redaction by     
  322      Replacement Value Method with a "contact-uri" jCard Property to a     
  323                                   Web Form                                 
  325    "redacted": [                                                           
  326      {                                                                     
  327        "name": {                                                           
  328          "description": "Registrant Email"                                 
  329        },                                                                  
  330        "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].                
  331                   vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')]",                        
  332        "replacementPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].        
  333                   vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='contact-uri')]",                  
  334        "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                             
  335        "method": "replacementValue",                                       
  336      }                                                                     
  337    ]                                                                       
  339          Figure 9: Redacted Email Using a Replacement Value with a         
  340                  "contact-uri" jCard Property to a Web Form                
  342 4.  Redacted RDAP Response                                                 
  344 4.1.  RDAP Conformance                                                     
  346    RDAP responses that contain values described in this document MUST      
  347    indicate conformance with this specification by including an            
  348    "rdapConformance" [RFC9083] value of "redacted".  The "redacted"        
  349    extension identifier is described in Section 6.1.                       
  351    "rdapConformance": [                                                    
  352      "rdap_level_0",                                                       
  353      "redacted"                                                            
  354    ]                                                                       
  356             Figure 10: "rdapConformance" with Redacted Extension           

The IETF is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the DNS RFCs. The ICANN DNS RFC annotation project provides a forum for collecting community annotations on these RFCs as an aid to understanding for implementers and any interested parties. The annotations displayed here are not the result of the IETF consensus process.

This RFC is included in the DNS RFCs annotation project whose home page is here.

  358 4.2.  "redacted" Member                                                    
  360    The "redacted" member MUST be added to the RDAP response when there     
  361    is one or more redacted fields.  The "redacted" member is included as   
  362    a member of the object instance in a lookup response, such as the       
  363    object classes defined in [RFC9083], and as a member of the object      
  364    instances in a search response.                                         
  366    The server, including a redacted signal, provides an unauthorized       
  367    client additional information related to the existence of data and      
  368    MAY exclude the redacted members for RDAP fields that are considered    
  369    a privacy issue in providing a data existence signal.  The server MAY   
  370    choose to publish a redaction policy describing how this extension is   
  371    implemented for their constituency.  The contents of such a policy      
  372    are outside the scope of this specification.                            
  374    The "redacted" member contains an array of objects with the following   
  375    child members:                                                          
  377    "name":  REQUIRED logical name for the redacted field.  The logical     
  378        name used for the redacted field is up to server policy.  The       
  379        logical name is defined using an object with a "type" field         
  380        denoting a registered redacted name (see Section 6.2) or a          
  381        "description" field denoting an unregistered redacted name.  The    
  382        registered redacted names and the chosen unregistered names can     
  383        meet the needs of different RDAP services or industries.            
  385    "prePath":  OPTIONAL JSON path expression referencing a redacted JSON   
  386        field in the pre-redacted response, using the expression language   
  387        defined by the "pathLang" member.  The "prePath" member MAY be      
  388        set when the redacted field does not exist in the redacted          
  389        response for the Redaction by Removal Method (Section 3.1) and      
  390        the Redaction by Replacement Value Method (Section 3.4).  The       
  391        "prePath" member MUST NOT be set when the "postPath" member is      
  392        set.                                                                
  394    "postPath":  OPTIONAL JSON path expression referencing a redacted       
  395        JSON field in the redacted (post-redacted) response, using the      
  396        expression language defined by the "pathLang" member.  The          
  397        "postPath" member MUST be set when the redacted field does exist    
  398        in the redacted response for the Redaction by Empty Value Method    
  399        (Section 3.2), the Redaction by Partial Value Method                
  400        (Section 3.3), and the Redaction by Replacement Value Method        
  401        (Section 3.4).  The "postPath" member MUST NOT be set when the      
  402        "prePath" member is set.                                            
  404    "replacementPath":  OPTIONAL JSON path expression of the replacement    
  405        field of the redacted field with the Redaction by Replacement       
  406        Value Method (Section 3.4), using the expression language defined   
  407        by the "pathLang" member.                                           
  409    "pathLang":  OPTIONAL JSON path expression language used, with the      
  410        default value of "jsonpath" for JSONPath [RFC9535].  Other JSON     
  411        path expression languages registered with the "redacted             
  412        expression language" Type in the "RDAP JSON Values" registry MAY    
  413        be used based on server policy.                                     
  415    "method":  OPTIONAL redaction method used, with one of the following    
  416        values:                                                             
  418        *  "removal" indicating the Redaction by Removal Method             
  419           (Section 3.1),                                                   
  421        *  "emptyValue" indicating the Redaction by Empty Value Method      
  422           (Section 3.2),                                                   
  424        *  "partialValue" indicating the Redaction by Partial Value         
  425           Method (Section 3.3), or                                         
  427        *  "replacementValue" indicating the Redaction by Replacement       
  428           Value Method (Section 3.4).                                      
  430        The default value is "removal" when not provided.                   
  432    "reason":  OPTIONAL human-readable reason(s) for the redacted field     
  433        in the language defined by the "lang" [RFC9083] member.  The        
  434        default language is "en" if the "lang" [RFC9083] member is not      
  435        specified.  The reason is defined using an object with an           
  436        OPTIONAL "type" field denoting a registered redacted reason (see    
  437        Section 6.2) and an OPTIONAL "description" field denoting an        
  438        unregistered redacted reason.  The "description" field MUST NOT     
  439        be a client processing dependency.                                  
  441    Example of the unredacted version of an RDAP lookup response:           
  443        {                                                                   
  444          "rdapConformance": [                                              
  445            "rdap_level_0"                                                  
  446          ],                                                                
  447          "objectClassName": "domain",                                      
  448          "handle": "ABC123",                                               
  449          "ldhName": "example.com",                                         
  450          "secureDNS": {                                                    
  451            "delegationSigned": false                                       
  452          },                                                                
  453          "notices": [                                                      
  454            {                                                               
  455              "title": "Terms of Use",                                      
  456              "description": [                                              
  457                "Service subject to Terms of Use."                          
  458              ],                                                            
  459              "links": [                                                    
  460                {                                                           
  461                  "rel": "self",                                            
  462                  "href": "https://www.example.com/terms-of-use",           
  463                  "type": "text/html",                                      
  464                  "value": "https://www.example.com/terms-of-use"           
  465                }                                                           
  466              ]                                                             
  467            }                                                               
  468          ],                                                                
  469          "nameservers": [                                                  
  470            {                                                               
  471              "objectClassName": "nameserver",                              
  472              "ldhName": "ns1.example.com"                                  
  473            },                                                              
  474            {                                                               
  475              "objectClassName": "nameserver",                              
  476              "ldhName": "ns2.example.com"                                  
  477            }                                                               
  478          ],                                                                
  479          "entities": [                                                     
  480            {                                                               
  481              "objectClassName": "entity",                                  
  482              "handle": "123",                                              
  483              "roles": [                                                    
  484                "registrar"                                                 
  485              ],                                                            
  486              "publicIds": [                                                
  487                {                                                           
  488                  "type": "IANA Registrar ID",                              
  489                  "identifier": "1"                                         
  490                }                                                           
  491              ],                                                            
  492              "vcardArray": [                                               
  493                "vcard",                                                    
  494                [                                                           
  495                  [                                                         
  496                    "version",                                              
  497                    {},                                                     
  498                    "text",                                                 
  499                    "4.0"                                                   
  500                  ],                                                        
  501                  [                                                         
  502                    "fn",                                                   
  503                    {},                                                     
  504                    "text",                                                 
  505                    "Example Registrar Inc."                                
  506                  ],                                                        
  507                  [                                                         
  508                    "adr",                                                  
  509                    {},                                                     
  510                    "text",                                                 
  511                    [                                                       
  512                      "",                                                   
  513                      "Suite 100",                                          
  514                      "123 Example Dr.",                                    
  515                      "Dulles",                                             
  516                      "VA",                                                 
  517                      "20166-6503",                                         
  518                      "US"                                                  
  519                    ]                                                       
  520                  ],                                                        
  521                  [                                                         
  522                    "email",                                                
  523                    {},                                                     
  524                    "text",                                                 
  525                    "contact@organization.example"                          
  526                  ],                                                        
  527                  [                                                         
  528                    "tel",                                                  
  529                    {                                                       
  530                      "type": "voice"                                       
  531                    },                                                      
  532                    "uri",                                                  
  533                    "tel:+1.7035555555;ext=1234"                            
  534                  ],                                                        
  535                  [                                                         
  536                    "tel",                                                  
  537                    {                                                       
  538                      "type": "fax"                                         
  539                    },                                                      
  540                    "uri",                                                  
  541                    "tel:+1.7035555556"                                     
  542                  ]                                                         
  543                ]                                                           
  544              ],                                                            
  545              "entities": [                                                 
  546                {                                                           
  547                  "objectClassName": "entity",                              
  548                  "roles": [                                                
  549                    "abuse"                                                 
  550                  ],                                                        
  551                  "vcardArray": [                                           
  552                    "vcard",                                                
  553                    [                                                       
  554                      [                                                     
  555                        "version",                                          
  556                        {},                                                 
  557                        "text",                                             
  558                        "4.0"                                               
  559                      ],                                                    
  560                      [                                                     
  561                        "fn",                                               
  562                        {},                                                 
  563                        "text",                                             
  564                        "Abuse Contact"                                     
  565                      ],                                                    
  566                      [                                                     
  567                        "email",                                            
  568                        {},                                                 
  569                        "text",                                             
  570                        "abuse@organization.example"                        
  571                      ],                                                    
  572                      [                                                     
  573                        "tel",                                              
  574                        {                                                   
  575                          "type": "voice"                                   
  576                        },                                                  
  577                        "uri",                                              
  578                        "tel:+1.7035555555;ext=1234"                        
  579                      ]                                                     
  580                    ]                                                       
  581                  ]                                                         
  582                }                                                           
  583              ]                                                             
  584            },                                                              
  585            {                                                               
  586              "objectClassName": "entity",                                  
  587              "handle": "XXXX",                                             
  588              "roles": [                                                    
  589                "registrant"                                                
  590              ],                                                            
  591              "vcardArray": [                                               
  592                "vcard",                                                    
  593                [                                                           
  594                  [                                                         
  595                    "version",                                              
  596                    {},                                                     
  597                    "text",                                                 
  598                    "4.0"                                                   
  599                  ],                                                        
  600                  [                                                         
  601                    "fn",                                                   
  602                    {},                                                     
  603                    "text",                                                 
  604                    "Registrant User"                                       
  605                  ],                                                        
  606                  [                                                         
  607                    "org",                                                  
  608                    {},                                                     
  609                    "text",                                                 
  610                    "Example Inc."                                          
  611                  ],                                                        
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  613                    "adr",                                                  
  614                    {},                                                     
  615                    "text",                                                 
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  617                      "",                                                   
  618                      "Suite 1235",                                         
  619                      "4321 Rue Somewhere",                                 
  620                      "Quebec",                                             
  621                      "QC",                                                 
  622                      "G1V 2M2",                                            
  623                      "Canada"                                              
  624                    ]                                                       
  625                  ],                                                        
  626                  [                                                         
  627                    "email",                                                
  628                    {},                                                     
  629                    "text",                                                 
  630                    "registrant.user@example.com"                           
  631                  ],                                                        
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  634                    {                                                       
  635                      "type": "voice"                                       
  636                    },                                                      
  637                    "uri",                                                  
  638                    "tel:+1-555-555-1235;ext=123"                           
  639                  ],                                                        
  640                  [                                                         
  641                    "tel",                                                  
  642                    {                                                       
  643                      "type": "fax"                                         
  644                    },                                                      
  645                    "uri",                                                  
  646                    "tel:+1-555-555-5321"                                   
  647                  ]                                                         
  648                ]                                                           
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  666                  [                                                         
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  668                    {},                                                     
  669                    "text",                                                 
  670                    "Technical User"                                        
  671                  ],                                                        
  672                  [                                                         
  673                    "org",                                                  
  674                    {},                                                     
  675                    "text",                                                 
  676                    "Example Inc."                                          
  677                  ],                                                        
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  679                    "adr",                                                  
  680                    {},                                                     
  681                    "text",                                                 
  682                    [                                                       
  683                      "",                                                   
  684                      "Suite 1234",                                         
  685                      "4321 Rue Somewhere",                                 
  686                      "Quebec",                                             
  687                      "QC",                                                 
  688                      "G1V 2M2",                                            
  689                      "Canada"                                              
  690                    ]                                                       
  691                  ],                                                        
  692                  [                                                         
  693                    "email",                                                
  694                    {},                                                     
  695                    "text",                                                 
  696                    "technical.user@example.com"                            
  697                  ],                                                        
  698                  [                                                         
  699                    "tel",                                                  
  700                    {                                                       
  701                      "type": "voice"                                       
  702                    },                                                      
  703                    "uri",                                                  
  704                    "tel:+1-555-555-1234;ext=321"                           
  705                  ],                                                        
  706                  [                                                         
  707                    "tel",                                                  
  708                    {                                                       
  709                      "type": "fax"                                         
  710                    },                                                      
  711                    "uri",                                                  
  712                    "tel:+1-555-555-4321"                                   
  713                  ]                                                         
  714                ]                                                           
  715              ]                                                             
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  717            {                                                               
  718              "objectClassName": "entity",                                  
  719              "handle": "ZZZZ",                                             
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  721                "administrative"                                            
  722              ],                                                            
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  724                "vcard",                                                    
  725                [                                                           
  726                  [                                                         
  727                    "version",                                              
  728                    {},                                                     
  729                    "text",                                                 
  730                    "4.0"                                                   
  731                  ],                                                        
  732                  [                                                         
  733                    "fn",                                                   
  734                    {},                                                     
  735                    "text",                                                 
  736                    "Administrative User"                                   
  737                  ],                                                        
  738                  [                                                         
  739                    "org",                                                  
  740                    {},                                                     
  741                    "text",                                                 
  742                    "Example Inc."                                          
  743                  ],                                                        
  744                  [                                                         
  745                    "adr",                                                  
  746                    {},                                                     
  747                    "text",                                                 
  748                    [                                                       
  749                      "",                                                   
  750                      "Suite 1236",                                         
  751                      "4321 Rue Somewhere",                                 
  752                      "Quebec",                                             
  753                      "QC",                                                 
  754                      "G1V 2M2",                                            
  755                      "Canada"                                              
  756                    ]                                                       
  757                  ],                                                        
  758                  [                                                         
  759                    "email",                                                
  760                    {},                                                     
  761                    "text",                                                 
  762                    "administrative.user@example.com"                       
  763                  ],                                                        
  764                  [                                                         
  765                    "tel",                                                  
  766                    {                                                       
  767                      "type": "voice"                                       
  768                    },                                                      
  769                    "uri",                                                  
  770                    "tel:+1-555-555-1236;ext=789"                           
  771                  ],                                                        
  772                  [                                                         
  773                    "tel",                                                  
  774                    {                                                       
  775                      "type": "fax"                                         
  776                    },                                                      
  777                    "uri",                                                  
  778                    "tel:+1-555-555-6321"                                   
  779                  ]                                                         
  780                ]                                                           
  781              ]                                                             
  782            },                                                              
  783            {                                                               
  784              "objectClassName": "entity",                                  
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  787                "billing"                                                   
  788              ],                                                            
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  790                "vcard",                                                    
  791                [                                                           
  792                  [                                                         
  793                    "version",                                              
  794                    {},                                                     
  795                    "text",                                                 
  796                    "4.0"                                                   
  797                  ],                                                        
  798                  [                                                         
  799                    "fn",                                                   
  800                    {},                                                     
  801                    "text",                                                 
  802                    "Billing User"                                          
  803                  ],                                                        
  804                  [                                                         
  805                    "email",                                                
  806                    {},                                                     
  807                    "text",                                                 
  808                    "billing.user@example.com"                              
  809                  ]                                                         
  810                ]                                                           
  811              ]                                                             
  812            }                                                               
  813          ],                                                                
  814          "events": [                                                       
  815            {                                                               
  816              "eventAction": "registration",                                
  817              "eventDate": "1997-06-03T00:00:00Z"                           
  818            },                                                              
  819            {                                                               
  820              "eventAction": "last changed",                                
  821              "eventDate": "2020-05-28T01:35:00Z"                           
  822            },                                                              
  823            {                                                               
  824              "eventAction": "expiration",                                  
  825              "eventDate": "2021-06-03T04:00:00Z"                           
  826            }                                                               
  827          ],                                                                
  828          "status": [                                                       
  829            "server delete prohibited",                                     
  830            "server update prohibited",                                     
  831            "server transfer prohibited",                                   
  832            "client transfer prohibited"                                    
  833          ]                                                                 
  834        }                                                                   
  836                  Figure 11: Unredacted RDAP Lookup Response                
  838    Example of the redacted version of an RDAP lookup response:             
  840        {                                                                   
  841          "rdapConformance": [                                              
  842            "rdap_level_0",                                                 
  843            "redacted"                                                      
  844          ],                                                                
  845          "objectClassName": "domain",                                      
  846          "ldhName": "example.com",                                         
  847          "secureDNS": {                                                    
  848            "delegationSigned": false                                       
  849          },                                                                
  850          "notices": [                                                      
  851            {                                                               
  852              "title": "Terms of Use",                                      
  853              "description": [                                              
  854                "Service subject to Terms of Use."                          
  855              ],                                                            
  856              "links": [                                                    
  857                {                                                           
  858                  "rel": "self",                                            
  859                  "href": "https://www.example.com/terms-of-use",           
  860                  "type": "text/html",                                      
  861                  "value": "https://www.example.com/terms-of-use"           
  862                }                                                           
  863              ]                                                             
  864            }                                                               
  865          ],                                                                
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  867            {                                                               
  868              "objectClassName": "nameserver",                              
  869              "ldhName": "ns1.example.com"                                  
  870            },                                                              
  871            {                                                               
  872              "objectClassName": "nameserver",                              
  873              "ldhName": "ns2.example.com"                                  
  874            }                                                               
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  877            {                                                               
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  881                "registrar"                                                 
  882              ],                                                            
  883              "publicIds": [                                                
  884                {                                                           
  885                  "type": "IANA Registrar ID",                              
  886                  "identifier": "1"                                         
  887                }                                                           
  888              ],                                                            
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  890                "vcard",                                                    
  891                [                                                           
  892                  [                                                         
  893                    "version",                                              
  894                    {},                                                     
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  896                    "4.0"                                                   
  897                  ],                                                        
  898                  [                                                         
  899                    "fn",                                                   
  900                    {},                                                     
  901                    "text",                                                 
  902                    "Example Registrar Inc."                                
  903                  ],                                                        
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  905                    "adr",                                                  
  906                    {},                                                     
  907                    "text",                                                 
  908                    [                                                       
  909                      "",                                                   
  910                      "Suite 100",                                          
  911                      "123 Example Dr.",                                    
  912                      "Dulles",                                             
  913                      "VA",                                                 
  914                      "20166-6503",                                         
  915                      "US"                                                  
  916                    ]                                                       
  917                  ],                                                        
  918                  [                                                         
  919                    "email",                                                
  920                    {},                                                     
  921                    "text",                                                 
  922                    "contact@organization.example"                          
  923                  ],                                                        
  924                  [                                                         
  925                    "tel",                                                  
  926                    {                                                       
  927                      "type": "voice"                                       
  928                    },                                                      
  929                    "uri",                                                  
  930                    "tel:+1.7035555555"                                     
  931                  ],                                                        
  932                  [                                                         
  933                    "tel",                                                  
  934                    {                                                       
  935                      "type": "fax"                                         
  936                    },                                                      
  937                    "uri",                                                  
  938                    "tel:+1.7035555556"                                     
  939                  ]                                                         
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  950                    [                                                       
  951                      [                                                     
  952                        "version",                                          
  953                        {},                                                 
  954                        "text",                                             
  955                        "4.0"                                               
  956                      ],                                                    
  957                      [                                                     
  958                        "fn",                                               
  959                        {},                                                 
  960                        "text",                                             
  961                        "Abuse Contact"                                     
  962                      ],                                                    
  963                      [                                                     
  964                        "email",                                            
  965                        {},                                                 
  966                        "text",                                             
  967                        "abuse@organization.example"                        
  968                      ],                                                    
  969                      [                                                     
  970                        "tel",                                              
  971                        {                                                   
  972                          "type": "voice"                                   
  973                        },                                                  
  974                        "uri",                                              
  975                        "tel:+1.7035555555"                                 
  976                      ]                                                     
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  986                "registrant"                                                
  987              ],                                                            
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  989                "vcard",                                                    
  990                [                                                           
  991                  [                                                         
  992                    "version",                                              
  993                    {},                                                     
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  995                    "4.0"                                                   
  996                  ],                                                        
  997                  [                                                         
  998                    "fn",                                                   
  999                    {},                                                     
 1000                    "text",                                                 
 1001                    ""                                                      
 1002                  ],                                                        
 1003                  [                                                         
 1004                    "adr",                                                  
 1005                    {},                                                     
 1006                    "text",                                                 
 1007                    [                                                       
 1008                      "",                                                   
 1009                      "",                                                   
 1010                      "",                                                   
 1011                      "",                                                   
 1012                      "QC",                                                 
 1013                      "",                                                   
 1014                      "Canada"                                              
 1015                    ]                                                       
 1016                  ]                                                         
 1017                ]                                                           
 1018              ]                                                             
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 1021              "objectClassName": "entity",                                  
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 1024                "technical"                                                 
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 1033                    "4.0"                                                   
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 1037                    {},                                                     
 1038                    "text",                                                 
 1039                    ""                                                      
 1040                  ],                                                        
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 1042                    "org",                                                  
 1043                    {},                                                     
 1044                    "text",                                                 
 1045                    "Example Inc."                                          
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 1048                    "adr",                                                  
 1049                    {},                                                     
 1050                    "text",                                                 
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 1052                      "",                                                   
 1053                      "Suite 1234",                                         
 1054                      "4321 Rue Somewhere",                                 
 1055                      "Quebec",                                             
 1056                      "QC",                                                 
 1057                      "G1V 2M2",                                            
 1058                      "Canada"                                              
 1059                    ]                                                       
 1060                  ]                                                         
 1061                ]                                                           
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 1083            "client transfer prohibited"                                    
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 1088                "description": "Registry Domain ID"                         
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 1090              "prePath": "$.handle",                                        
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 1092              "method": "removal",                                          
 1093              "reason": {                                                   
 1094                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1095              }                                                             
 1096            },                                                              
 1097            {                                                               
 1098              "name": {                                                     
 1099                "description": "Registrant Name"                            
 1100              },                                                            
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 1106                "description": "Server policy"                              
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 1111                "description": "Registrant Organization"                    
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 1118                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1119              }                                                             
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 1123                "description": "Registrant Street"                          
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 1130                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1131              }                                                             
 1132            },                                                              
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 1134              "name": {                                                     
 1135                "description": "Registrant City"                            
 1136              },                                                            
 1137              "postPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].         
 1138                vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='adr')][3][3]",                       
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 1142                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1143              }                                                             
 1144            },                                                              
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 1146              "name": {                                                     
 1147                "description": "Registrant Postal Code"                     
 1148              },                                                            
 1149              "postPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].         
 1150                vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='adr')][3][5]",                       
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 1154                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1155              }                                                             
 1156            },                                                              
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 1158              "name": {                                                     
 1159                "description": "Registrant Email"                           
 1160              },                                                            
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 1165                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1166              }                                                             
 1167            },                                                              
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 1170                "description": "Registrant Phone"                           
 1171              },                                                            
 1172              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].          
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 1175              "reason": {                                                   
 1176                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1177              }                                                             
 1178            },                                                              
 1179            {                                                               
 1180              "name": {                                                     
 1181                "description": "Technical Name"                             
 1182              },                                                            
 1183              "postPath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='technical')].          
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 1187                "description": "Server policy"                              
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 1192                "description": "Technical Email"                            
 1193              },                                                            
 1194              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='technical')].           
 1195                vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')]",                           
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 1197              "reason": {                                                   
 1198                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1199              }                                                             
 1200            },                                                              
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 1202              "name": {                                                     
 1203                "description": "Technical Phone"                            
 1204              },                                                            
 1205              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='technical')].           
 1206                vcardArray[1][?(@[1].type=='voice')]",                      
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 1209                "description": "Server policy"                              
 1210              }                                                             
 1211            },                                                              
 1212            {                                                               
 1213              "name": {                                                     
 1214                "description": "Technical Fax"                              
 1215              },                                                            
 1216              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='technical')].           
 1217                vcardArray[1][?(@[1].type=='fax')]",                        
 1218              "reason": {                                                   
 1219                "description": "Client request"                             
 1220              }                                                             
 1221            },                                                              
 1222            {                                                               
 1223              "name": {                                                     
 1224                "description": "Administrative Contact"                     
 1225              },                                                            
 1226              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='administrative')]",     
 1227              "method": "removal",                                          
 1228              "reason": {                                                   
 1229                "description": "Refer to the technical contact"             
 1230              }                                                             
 1231            },                                                              
 1232            {                                                               
 1233              "name": {                                                     
 1234                "description": "Billing Contact"                            
 1235              },                                                            
 1236              "prePath": "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='billing')]",            
 1237              "method": "removal",                                          
 1238              "reason": {                                                   
 1239                "description": "Refer to the registrant contact"            
 1240              }                                                             
 1241            }                                                               
 1242          ]                                                                 
 1243        }                                                                   
 1245                   Figure 12: Redacted RDAP Lookup Response                 
 1247    Example of the unredacted version of an RDAP search response:           
 1249      {                                                                     
 1250        "rdapConformance": [                                                
 1251          "rdap_level_0"                                                    
 1252        ],                                                                  
 1253        "domainSearchResults":[                                             
 1254          {                                                                 
 1255            "objectClassName": "domain",                                    
 1256            "handle": "ABC121",                                             
 1257            "ldhName": "example1.com",                                      
 1258            "links":[                                                       
 1259              {                                                             
 1260                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",     
 1261                "rel":"self",                                               
 1262                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",      
 1263                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1264              },                                                            
 1265              {                                                             
 1266                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",     
 1267                "rel":"related",                                            
 1268                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",      
 1269                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1270              }                                                             
 1271            ]                                                               
 1272          },                                                                
 1273          {                                                                 
 1274            "objectClassName": "domain",                                    
 1275            "handle": "ABC122",                                             
 1276            "ldhName": "example2.com",                                      
 1277            "links":[                                                       
 1278              {                                                             
 1279                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",     
 1280                "rel":"self",                                               
 1281                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",      
 1282                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1283              },                                                            
 1284              {                                                             
 1285                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",     
 1286                "rel":"related",                                            
 1287                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",      
 1288                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1289              }                                                             
 1290            ]                                                               
 1291          }                                                                 
 1292        ]                                                                   
 1293      }                                                                     
 1295                  Figure 13: Unredacted RDAP Search Response                
 1297    Example of the redacted version of an RDAP search response:             
 1299      {                                                                     
 1300        "rdapConformance": [                                                
 1301          "rdap_level_0",                                                   
 1302          "redacted"                                                        
 1303        ],                                                                  
 1304        "domainSearchResults":[                                             
 1305          {                                                                 
 1306            "objectClassName": "domain",                                    
 1307            "ldhName": "example1.com",                                      
 1308            "links":[                                                       
 1309              {                                                             
 1310                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",     
 1311                "rel":"self",                                               
 1312                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",      
 1313                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1314              },                                                            
 1315              {                                                             
 1316                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",     
 1317                "rel":"related",                                            
 1318                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example1.com",      
 1319                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1320              }                                                             
 1321            ],                                                              
 1322            "redacted": [                                                   
 1323              {                                                             
 1324                "name": {                                                   
 1325                  "type": "Registry Domain ID"                              
 1326                },                                                          
 1327                "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[0].handle",               
 1328                "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                     
 1329                "method": "removal",                                        
 1330                "reason": {                                                 
 1331                  "type": "Server policy"                                   
 1332                }                                                           
 1333              }                                                             
 1334            ]                                                               
 1335          },                                                                
 1336          {                                                                 
 1337            "objectClassName": "domain",                                    
 1338            "ldhName": "example2.com",                                      
 1339            "links":[                                                       
 1340              {                                                             
 1341                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",     
 1342                "rel":"self",                                               
 1343                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",      
 1344                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1345              },                                                            
 1346              {                                                             
 1347                "value":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",     
 1348                "rel":"related",                                            
 1349                "href":"https://example.com/rdap/domain/example2.com",      
 1350                "type":"application/rdap+json"                              
 1351              }                                                             
 1352            ],                                                              
 1353            "redacted": [                                                   
 1354              {                                                             
 1355                "name": {                                                   
 1356                  "description": "Registry Domain ID"                       
 1357                },                                                          
 1358                "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[1].handle",               
 1359                "pathLang": "jsonpath",                                     
 1360                "method": "removal",                                        
 1361                "reason": {                                                 
 1362                  "description": "Server policy"                            
 1363                }                                                           
 1364              }                                                             
 1365            ]                                                               
 1366          }                                                                 
 1367        ]                                                                   
 1368      }                                                                     
 1370                   Figure 14: Redacted RDAP Search Response                 
 1372 5.  JSONPath Considerations                                                
 1374    JSONPath [RFC9535] is the default JSON path expression language.        
 1375    This section includes JSONPath considerations for clients and           
 1376    servers.                                                                
 1378 5.1.  JSONPath Client Considerations                                       
 1380    This section covers considerations for clients that receive responses   
 1381    from servers using JSONPath [RFC9535] to identify redacted RDAP         
 1382    fields with the "prePath", "postPath", or "replacementPath" member of   
 1383    redacted objects in the "redacted" member.  The list of JSONPath        
 1384    client considerations include:                                          
 1386    1.  When the server is using the Redaction by Removal Method            
 1387        (Section 3.1) or the Redaction by Replacement Value Method          
 1388        (Section 3.4) with an alternative field value, the JSONPath         
 1389        expression of the "prePath" member will not resolve successfully    
 1390        with the redacted response.  The client can key off the "name"      
 1391        member for display logic related to the redaction.                  
 1393 5.2.  JSONPath Server Considerations                                       
 1395    This section covers considerations for servers using JSONPath           
 1396    [RFC9535] to identify redacted RDAP fields with the "prePath",          
 1397    "postPath", or "replacementPath" member of redacted objects in the      
 1398    "redacted" member.  The list of JSONPath considerations include:        
 1400    1.  Use absolute paths with the '$' JSONPath element.  An example is    
 1401        "$.handle" for the "Registry Domain ID" in a lookup response or     
 1402        "$.domainSearchResults[0].handle" in a search response.             
 1404    2.  Validate a JSONPath expression with the non-redacted RDAP           
 1405        response when using the "prePath" member, where evaluating the      
 1406        expression results in returning the redacted field.                 
 1408    3.  Reference the removed object field when redacting an entire         
 1409        object by the Redaction by Removal Method (Section 3.1), where      
 1410        all of the object's child fields are explicitly removed.  An        
 1411        example is "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='administrative')]" for the    
 1412        entire "Administrative Contact".                                    
 1414    4.  Use multiple bases for the redaction of certain content.  For       
 1415        example, if server policy is such that all administrative-role      
 1416        entities are redacted and all technical-role entities are           
 1417        redacted, then an entity having both the administrative role and    
 1418        the technical role could be redacted for two different reasons.     
 1419        In this situation, a server is required to include at least one     
 1420        "redacted" entry, but it should consider including a separate       
 1421        "redacted" entry for each applicable basis for redaction to         
 1422        clearly document the server policies that are relevant to           
 1423        redaction in each instance.                                         
 1425    5.  Reference the removed field when using the Redaction by Removal     
 1426        Method (Section 3.1).  An example is "$.handle" for the "Registry   
 1427        Domain ID".                                                         
 1429    6.  Reference index 0 of the jCard property array, which is the jCard   
 1430        "name" property, with a filter expression containing the name of    
 1431        the field when redacting a jCard field using the Redaction by       
 1432        Removal Method (Section 3.1).  An example is "$.entities[?(@.role   
 1433        s[0]=='registrant')].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='email')]" for the       
 1434        "Registrant Email".                                                 
 1436    7.  Reference the jCard field value or values redacted by array index   
 1437        3 and greater when redacting a jCard field using the Redaction by   
 1438        Empty Value Method (Section 3.2).  The jCard property array index   
 1439        3 and greater contain the property values, where the property       
 1440        values set with an empty value are referenced directly in place     
 1441        of the jCard property name.  Servers can then systematically        
 1442        redact the jCard field value or values based on the JSONPath        
 1443        expressions, and clients will directly know which jCard property    
 1444        values have been redacted.  An example is "$.entities[?(@.roles[0   
 1445        ]=='registrant')].vcardArray[1][?(@[0]=='fn')][3]" for the          
 1446        "Registrant Name" or "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='registrant')].vca   
 1447        rdArray[1][?(@[0]=='adr')][3][5]" for the "Registrant Postal        
 1448        Code".                                                              
 1450    8.  RDAP extensions should define any special JSONPath considerations   
 1451        required to identify redacted RDAP fields if these considerations   
 1452        are insufficient.                                                   
 1454 6.  IANA Considerations                                                    
 1456 6.1.  RDAP Extensions Registry                                             
 1458    IANA has registered the following value in the "RDAP Extensions"        
 1459    registry:                                                               
 1461    Extension Identifier:  redacted                                         
 1463    Registry Operator:  Any                                                 
 1465    Specification:  RFC 9537                                                
 1467    Contact:  IETF <iesg@ietf.org>                                          
 1469    Intended Usage:  This extension identifies the redacted fields in an    
 1470       RDAP response.                                                       
 1472 6.2.  RDAP JSON Values Registry                                            
 1474    Section 10.2 of [RFC9083] defines the "RDAP JSON Values" registry       
 1475    with predefined Type field values and a registration policy of Expert   
 1476    Review [RFC8126].  This specification defines three new Type field      
 1477    values that can be used to register predefined redacted name, reason,   
 1478    and expression language values.  IANA has updated the "RDAP JSON        
 1479    Values" registry to accept these additional Type field values as        
 1480    follows:                                                                
 1482    "redacted name":  Redacted name being registered.  The registered       
 1483        redacted name is referenced using the "type" field of the           
 1484        redacted "name" field.                                              
 1486    "redacted reason":  Redacted reason being registered.  The registered   
 1487        redacted reason is referenced using the "type" field of the         
 1488        redacted "reason" field.                                            
 1490    "redacted expression language":  Redacted expression language being     
 1491        registered.  The registered redacted expression language is         
 1492        referenced using the "pathLang" field.                              
 1494    IANA has also listed this document as a reference for the "RDAP JSON    
 1495    Values" registry and has registered the following value:                
 1497    Value:  jsonpath                                                        
 1499    Type:  redacted expression language                                     
 1501    Description:  JSON path expression language, as defined in RFC 9535.    
 1503    Registrant:  IETF                                                       
 1505    Contact Information:  iesg@ietf.org                                     
 1507    Reference:  RFC 9537                                                    
 1509 7.  Security Considerations                                                
 1511    The extension described in this document does not provide any           
 1512    security services beyond those described by [RFC9083].                  
 1514 8.  References                                                             
 1516 8.1.  Normative References                                                 
 1518    [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate          
 1519               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,                       
 1520               DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,                            
 1521               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119>.                   
 1523    [RFC6350]  Perreault, S., "vCard Format Specification", RFC 6350,       
 1524               DOI 10.17487/RFC6350, August 2011,                           
 1525               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc6350>.                   
 1527    [RFC7095]  Kewisch, P., "jCard: The JSON Format for vCard", RFC 7095,   
 1528               DOI 10.17487/RFC7095, January 2014,                          
 1529               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7095>.                   
 1531    [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for        
 1532               Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,     
 1533               RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,                   
 1534               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8126>.                   
 1536    [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC       
 1537               2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,     
 1538               May 2017, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174>.         
 1540    [RFC8259]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data   
 1541               Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259,                       
 1542               DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017,                         
 1543               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8259>.                   
 1545    [RFC9082]  Hollenbeck, S. and A. Newton, "Registration Data Access      
 1546               Protocol (RDAP) Query Format", STD 95, RFC 9082,             
 1547               DOI 10.17487/RFC9082, June 2021,                             
 1548               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9082>.                   
 1550    [RFC9083]  Hollenbeck, S. and A. Newton, "JSON Responses for the        
 1551               Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)", STD 95,           
 1552               RFC 9083, DOI 10.17487/RFC9083, June 2021,                   
 1553               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9083>.                   
 1555    [RFC9535]  Gössner, S., Ed., Normington, G., Ed., and C. Bormann,       
 1556               Ed., "JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON", RFC 9535,       
 1557               DOI 10.17487/RFC9535, February 2024,                         
 1558               <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9535>.                   
 1560 8.2.  Informative References                                               
 1562    [RDAP-JSCONTACT]                                                        
 1563               Loffredo, M. and G. Brown, "Using JSContact in               
 1564               Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) JSON Responses",    
 1565               Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-regext-rdap-    
 1566               jscontact-17, 7 December 2023,                               
 1567               <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-regext-    
 1568               rdap-jscontact-17>.                                          
 1570 Acknowledgements                                                           
 1572    The authors wish to thank the following persons for their feedback      
 1573    and suggestions: Marc Blanchet, Tom Harrison, Scott Hollenbeck, Pawel   
 1574    Kowalik, Mario Loffredo, Gustavo Lozano, Andy Newton, Jasdip Singh,     
 1575    and Rick Wilhelm.                                                       
 1577 Authors' Addresses                                                         
 1579    James Gould                                                             
 1580    VeriSign, Inc.                                                          
 1581    12061 Bluemont Way                                                      
 1582    Reston, VA 20190                                                        
 1583    United States of America                                                
 1584    Email: jgould@verisign.com                                              
 1585    URI:   http://www.verisign.com                                          
 1588    David Smith                                                             
 1589    VeriSign, Inc.                                                          
 1590    12061 Bluemont Way                                                      
 1591    Reston, VA 20190                                                        
 1592    United States of America                                                
 1593    Email: dsmith@verisign.com                                              
 1594    URI:   http://www.verisign.com                                          
 1597    Jody Kolker                                                             
 1598    GoDaddy Inc.                                                            
 1599    14455 N. Hayden Rd., #219                                               
 1600    Scottsdale, AZ 85260                                                    
 1601    United States of America                                                
 1602    Email: jkolker@godaddy.com                                              
 1603    URI:   http://www.godaddy.com                                           
 1606    Roger Carney                                                            
 1607    GoDaddy Inc.                                                            
 1608    14455 N. Hayden Rd., #219                                               
 1609    Scottsdale, AZ 85260                                                    
 1610    United States of America                                                
 1611    Email: rcarney@godaddy.com                                              
 1612    URI:   http://www.godaddy.com                                           
section-4.2 Jasdip Singh(Technical Erratum #7876) [Verified]
based on outdated version
Figure 13:

    "rdapConformance": [
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "handle": "ABC121",
        "ldhName": "example1.com",
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "handle": "ABC122",
        "ldhName": "example2.com",

Figure 14:

    "rdapConformance": [
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "ldhName": "example1.com",
        "redacted": [
            "name": {
              "type": "Registry Domain ID"
            "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[0].handle",
            "pathLang": "jsonpath",
            "method": "removal",
            "reason": {
              "type": "Server policy"
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "ldhName": "example2.com",
        "redacted": [
            "name": {
              "description": "Registry Domain ID"
            "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[1].handle",
            "pathLang": "jsonpath",
            "method": "removal",
            "reason": {
              "description": "Server policy"
It should say:
Figure 13:

    "rdapConformance": [
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "handle": "ABC121",
        "ldhName": "example1.com",
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "handle": "ABC122",
        "ldhName": "example2.com",

Figure 14:

    "rdapConformance": [
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "ldhName": "example1.com",
        "redacted": [
            "name": {
              "type": "Registry Domain ID"
            "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[0].handle",
            "pathLang": "jsonpath",
            "method": "removal",
            "reason": {
              "type": "Server policy"
        "objectClassName": "domain",
        "ldhName": "example2.com",
        "redacted": [
            "name": {
              "description": "Registry Domain ID"
            "prePath": "$.domainSearchResults[1].handle",
            "pathLang": "jsonpath",
            "method": "removal",
            "reason": {
              "description": "Server policy"

Noticed that the "self" and "related" links in Figure 13 and Figure 14
examples have the same "href" value. From RFC 9083: A "related" link
relation MUST NOT include an "href" URI that is the same as the "self"
link relation "href" URI to reduce the risk of infinite client
processing loops. (The new "href" values for the "related" links are per
James Gould's earlier suggestion.)